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Tummy Upset Relief For Everyone In The Family

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Nauzene Kids . All opinions are 100% mine.

Notices from my son’s school arrive from time to time alerting us parents of flu outbreaks or other illnesses among the children. In a big school with hundreds of children, most children catch something at some time or other, and as a parent, it’s our job to help them through it.

Nauzene® Kids Liquid Nausea Relief is a gentle and effective homeopathic formula that works right away to relieve the feeling of nausea from upset tummies. It’s pediatrician recommended, and even relieves nausea from the “stomach flu”. Children as young as two can use it, so if the whole family catches the same bug, Nauzene Kids  Liquid Nausea Relief can provide relief for everyone in the family.

nauzene grape flavored nausea medicine

Moms, dads, it will even help you if you ate or drank a little too much…that can make you feel nauseous too!

Nauzene® Kids Liquid Nausea Relief tastes like grape, and doesn’t have artificial flavors, parabens, dyes, or salicylates. It’s also gluten and aspirin free, and it really does taste delicious, not medicine-y. Nauzene® Kids Liquid Nausea Relief is available at CVS, HEB, and many other retailers nationwide

nauzene grape flavored nausea medicine-2

Win a Nauzene® Care Package

My younger son actually loves the taste of natural grape, and he requests it, but my older son won’t let me get a spoonful of anything anywhere near his mouth. Please help a mom out and tell me your tips for successfully getting kids to say “ahh!” when it’s time to take Nauzene® Kids Liquid Nausea Relief for the first time. One lucky reader who leaves a comment will win a Nauzene® care package.

You can get a $3.00 coupon to try Nauzene Kids for your family at NauzeneKids.com.

*** Like with everything in your medicine cabinet, please make sure to read and follow all label instructions before using.


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  • Valerie

    It really can be difficult to get kids to take medicine when they don’t want to. I have no real advice unfortunately. I will have to remember to grab this when I am at the store for when we may need it.

  • Ki

    I never heard of this brand it must be new! I will keep this in mind and maybe stock up on this for the future!

  • Chrystal

    This sounds like good stuff. I need to try it. Kiddo gets a really bad upset stomach when she gets nervous or is stressed.

  • Jeanine

    I haven’t heard of this stuff before. With a house of 6 kids and 2 adults though when one gets sick we all do. So this would be a great idea!

  • Sabrina

    I wish I had good tips on how to give meds. I just get a lot of crying and we have to hold them still to give it to them.

  • Have you tried hiding the medicine in something else, like a smoothie? My kids were awful about taking medicine when they were younger.

  • Ann Bacciaglia

    My kids used to hate taking medicine when they were younger. This is a great coupon. I will share it with my friends with little ones.

  • Debbie Denny

    Not seen this i guess. That is a great pproduct.

  • Marina John

    Wow, this looks awesome! I love that it works on everyone in the house. How convenient!

  • kristin

    This would be great for kids when they might be sick. Great coupon too, thanks!

  • Chrysa

    This sounds like a great option for upset tummies. I like all the things that it DOESN’T have like artificial flavors.

  • Megan

    This is a new brand to me, but actually I don’t think we have any tummy medicine in the house, now that I think about it! Worth a try!

  • Camesha

    I’d never heard of this product. My daughter hates taking medicine. We pretty much resort to begging her to take it and promise her something to drink afterwards.

  • I usually offer something better to drink right afterwards. So Courtney used to take a bitter liquid medication daily. W’d have a small cup of orange or apple juice that she could chase it with. She looked forward to the juice, so that made taking the medicine easier. It also meant that I could NEVER run out of juice because it became her expectation that it was part of taking the medicine.