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It’s Potty Time! We’re Pull-Ups Brand Ambassadors @PullUpsBigKids

Potty training tips are everywhere, from well-meaning friends to web-sites promoting vastly different methods of how to succeed. We’ve dabbled with different methods of potty training here and there, but weren’t really making progress and it wasn’t pressing before.

Well now, the countdown has begun, because little man starts preschool in September, and whether he joins the half day or full day class, the #1 requirement of the school is that all students be potty trained.

And he isn’t even close.

potty training tips

We’ve asked family and friends for potty training tips, we’ve let him watch his toddler cousin go to the bathroom, we’ve bought him little boy underwear and even let him run around naked. We’ve tried quite a few methods, but it appeared he wasn’t ready. So we gave up and decided to wait.

Well, recently, he seems more aware of it. He’d say “Poopy!” and we’d hurriedly lead him to the bathroom, where he’d go through the motions but not actually go. He’d pull down his diaper, sit on the potty, and immediately jump off and announce, “Done!” We’d put a fresh diaper on him, and shortly thereafter it would be soiled. Other times, he won’t tell us at all because he’s distracted with a show or a game, and doesn’t want to stop.

I’m now an ambassador for Pull-ups. We have just over two months to get little man fully potty trained with my new potty training tips from and his new Pull-ups featuring Cars (they offer Disney Princesses for girls), and we aren’t giving up. These Pull-Ups training pants create a cool sensation when little man pees, making him uncomfortable and hopefully desire to not pee on himself. We are just starting, and our goal is to have him potty trained by the time he pulls up his last Pull-up. I’ll be updating our progress soon!

According to the Potty Training infographic at the end of this post, a big hurdle is forgetting to ask kids throughout the day if they has to go potty (“Potty Breaks”). I need a reminder, especially when I get busy and forget and he is playing so totally not thinking about stopping to use the potty. We downloaded the potty training count down widget below to help us keep track of our Potty Breaks (and you can too…find lots of potty training tips, information and more here).

potty training tips

Potty training infographic tips

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Pull-Ups. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for participating.

  • Potty training a boy is much more difficult than girls (in my experience); we just finished training our son, who is nearly 3. It wasn’t till he was staying completely dry during the night and naps that we saw true progress when we attempted training; once he was at that stage, he was completely out of diapers within 2 days.

    Good luck!

  • I feel for you! My son was in the same position about preschool, and sadly, I had to pull him out because he just wasn’t ready. He was sooooo much later than my son. Those are good tips from Huggies though. Good luck!

  • I meant so much later than my daughter, but you probably knew that. πŸ˜‰

  • Potty training can be so frustrating but patience is the key. My son had no interest and was scared of both potties. We just went with the flow and eventually he was going potty:)

  • I’m eager to see how it goes! My first son was so easy – he asked to use the potty one day and a week later he was trained. A miracle! With our (almost) 3 year old we’re still waiting for the ‘right’ time. Like Rachel mentioned – we’re watching his night time diapers. He’s still waking up soaked – so we’re going to wait a bit longer. Your progress will be an inspiration for me! I’ll be following along πŸ™‚

  • My daughter was easy to potty train. It took a long time for my son.

  • April Decheine

    Oh how cute, my kids were crazy about wanting to get into big boy undies! My daughter had to beat my boys and was wearing ninja turtle undies one day becuase she wanted to be in big boy pants. She was so little!

  • I hated potty training every bit of it! My oldest son was 3 1/2 until he was potty trained. My daughter was doing well had a set back and until this past year would still have accidents.

    Good Luck and congrats on your ambassadorship!

  • We’re about to start potty training here too… I think. Thanks for the tips!

  • Great tips from Huggies. Some kids are just later then others. My kids were potty trained all at different ages. Some at ten months, others at twelve, and my youngest is just starting at twenty months.

  • Those potty training facts are interesting. After two daughters, I can say that my son was certainly the most difficult. Hang in there and good luck to your little man!

  • Great tips! I helped to potty train 3 of my nieces and my 2 great nieces. I’ll have to say that it was pretty smooth flowing with them all.

  • My son took longer than my daughter. Thankfully his daycare did a lot of the training too!

  • Penelope

    Ours doesn’t do that, but that would be neat πŸ™‚

  • It was so easy to wean my son from the bottle and he NEVER liked pacifiers. However, potty training was a different story. It took awhile! πŸ™‚

  • Thanks for the tips!

  • We were big fans of pull ups back in the day, but I am so glad we are done with potty training now.

  • I potty train kids at my job and they have disabilities so it’s harder than with a child who doesn’t have limitations. I hope I am well trained enough to train my own πŸ™‚

  • You can’t rush them. I think it’s wise that you’ve stopped pushing until he shows signs he is ready.

  • Congrats on the ambassadorship. We potty trained my son at 26 months using the 3 day potty training method. πŸ™‚ That watch looks pretty cool! I know my son would love it!

  • Congrats on your ambassadorship!

  • Stefani

    I was so happy when I finally potty trained my youngest but definitely made use of lots of PullUps!

  • I actually was pretty blessed with my last two boys they potty trained quick with the help of pull ups of course

  • I find that they just go on their own.