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A Simpler Breakfast For Kids

I have very vivid childhood memories of grocery shopping with my mom, whom I’m sure wanted me to eat healthy, but whom always chose notably unhealthy items for us to have for breakfast. She would basically pick up anything she thought we’d eat without a fuss, to make the mornings easier for her. She always seemed frazzled and rushed, and most mornings I’d eat what amounted to basically a bowl of sugar with milk. As humorous as I find that memory, and as much as my own mornings are a blur of activity and rushing, I don’t want to give in and offer those same sugary cereals to my sons, no matter how quick and easy it is.

For weekday breakfasts, my family needs something that is both nutritious and easy to prepare. Sometimes the simplest things are the best, and a breakfast of fruit, yogurt and granola is incredibly tasty and healthy (and kids like that stuff!). We discovered siggi’s yogurt, an Icelandic-style yogurt that is free of artificial ingredients like preservatives, sweeteners, colors, and flavors. It doesn’t have a lot of sugar, but it does have lots of naturally delicious flavor, and is thick, creamy, and full of protein. It’s breakfast my kids would love to eat, and I feel great about giving them.

Simple breakfast ideas for kids

I want to make sure our mornings start out on the right foot, so I’ve been doing some research on the best foods to start the day. I perused siggi’s website and found lots of yummy recipes, perfect for any time of day, but the one I found for DIY Apple Pizzas stood out to me, because it’s perfect for our busy mornings and combines what to me is a healthy breakfast, the type of continental breakfast my parents grew up enjoying in simpler times, and that provides the most nutrition. Our mornings really should start out more simply, more relaxed, and more healthy.

To make apple pizzas, cut apples into ¼ inch slices. Allow your children to squeeze siggi’s yogurt right from the tube onto the apple slices and top with granola themselves so they are involved in making their own delicious and healthy breakfast! My two year old can even do it and it makes him feel great, and they both love eating it. One tube of siggi’s yogurt can made several of these tasty breakfast pizzas, and my children devoured the remaining yogurt as we ran out the door.

Simple and healthy breakfast ideas for kids

Siggi’s yogurt comes in different packaging but I picked up the tube style yogurt for my kids because they are also perfect to pack for school snack time or to put into lunch boxes. Each tube has 3 grams of sugar less than the brand I had been purchasing before, and my children said they like it better too. Less sugar and they like it more? You can’t beat that!

It took a little dedication to find siggi’s yogurt. They have a website store locator, but I needed to call and confirm which store carried it. It’s worth it to me since a little bit of extra searching on the weekend meant that my children’s mornings this week would start out full of nutrition and natural goodness. The DIY Apple Pizzas featuring siggi’s are an easy and healthy way to start our busy mornings that doesn’t make me feel guilty or that I’m not doing my best for my family.

Do you love yogurt for breakfast too?

siggi’s rather delicious yogurts with simple ingredients and not a lot of sugar.
Try delicious flavors like vanilla, pumpkin & spice, and mixed berries & açai, power up your breakfast with their recipes and print a coupon.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of siggi’s Dairy. The opinions and text are all mine.