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No Winter Blues Here- Family Fun At The Guzman House

Thank you Ellio’s Pizza for sponsoring this post. Visit your local retailer to pick up your own Ellio’s Pizza for a pizza night in!

As most of you can relate, when the days are cold, we spend more time indoors. But luckily, we have some creative ways to make it fun! Four people who love to be active and entertained can come up with creative ways to enjoy the winter, even on days we are snowed in. There is no cabin fever happening here!

It’s important to me that I actually spend time with my family, and not just next to them while we are all fiddling away on our own various gadgets. I love to play games with my boys, watch the news with my husband, read together and have family meals together. Even when we are cooped up inside on the days school is canceled, and it’s too frigid to even make snow angels, we manage to have indoor fun.

Here are some of our ideas to have family fun inside during the colder days of winter.

Ideas For Family Wintertime Fun

Indoor snowball fights

We have white fuzzy “snowballs” for indoor snowball fights (though balled up sheets of paper certainly do in a pinch), that don’t melt because our fireplace is on! We can stay inside, nice and cozy, while still enjoying the fun and mayhem of a good old fashioned snowball war.

I guess there is just something about throwing soft white balls at your sibling’s head that warms the cockles of a little one’s heart. They certainly don’t tire of it, and even have traps set up, forts and multi-floor challenges!

Watch classic family shows together

I love re-watching the sitcoms and family shows I watched and loved as a kid with my own children, and it’s something they look forward to as well. I had some favorite TV shows as a child that I looked forward to each week and watched religiously. To be able to view them with my own children, see them laughing at the same silly plots, love the same family dynamics and act shocked over the same innocent troubles on classic family shows that filled me with happiness during the same age is just so much fun.

Even funnier is hearing them imitate one-liners of their favorite characters in our day to day lives. How rude!

Board games, drawing games, and foosball

My sons love board games and we could literally play for hours. They also love games that require them to act something out, or games that let them draw pictures for the rest of us to guess. I love these too because I really see their creativity and imagination expanding in the funniest ways.

My older son recently fell in love with chess, and he is constantly challenging us to play with him (he keeps winning and I promise, I’m not letting him). Both boys love foosball and are pretty competitive over it. It’s something they beat my husband at a lot too.

The best food while watching movies and playing games is always pizza. Ellio’s Cheese Pizza is the pizza I had and loved as a kid, and my kids love it now too. In fact, Ellio’s was launched where I live, on Long Island, NY over 50 years ago ♥︎ It has no artificial flavors, and only uses the freshest ingredients and 100% real cheese, so I feel good about serving it to my own family, plus it cooks up quickly and is delicious.

My kids top their Ellio’s Pizza with vegetables and I have a salad along with it for a balanced meal, and our favorite flavors from among the eight available are Ellio’s Cheese Pizza, Five Cheese Pizza, and Italian Sausage and Pepperoni. There are also two different crust types, Original Crust and Sicilian Style. It’s yummy for our family fun time inside, and the rest of the year too. You can find out which of your local grocers carry the Ellio’s products by using their store locator. Check out their Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages for the latest news!

For kids, love is spelled T-I-M-E

The best family time does not include electronics. No tablets, no smartphones, no gaming systems that make us look away from each other and ignore each other for hours at a time. We are creating the memories they will remember when they have kids, and I hope they will spend their evenings with my grandchildren watching old fun shows, having indoor snowball fights, and playing games together too ♥︎

This is a sponsored post on behalf of Dr. Oetker USA LLC. I received compensation for this post, however all opinions stated are my own.