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More Fat Burning Foods

If you enjoyed our post on fat burning foods, you’re in luck, because there are more healthy foods to lose weight! Eating fat burning foods help you lose weight just by eating them because the energy required to metabolize them is higher than the calories they supply- so you are eating to lose weight! These will help you lose belly fat quickly. Check out these additional fat burning foods from our how to lose weight diet.

1. Pears- pears are yummy, they contain only about 98 calories each, and they are packed with nutrients and fiber. Pears lower cholesteral (bet you didn’t know that- I didn’t). Eating pears and green veggies- lots of them- are more effective in lowering cholesteral for some people than many cholester-lowering prescription drugs, not to mention pears are tastier and healthier too. You can actually eat a lot of pears and still lose weight. Four pears equals about 400 calories, which sounds high, but because of the high fiber content you will actually be losing weight. So make a pear salad for breakfast or desert and lose some weight!

2. Cinnamon- cinnamon increases your metabolism, and considering how flavorful it is, you can put it on everything- apples, bananas, fruit salad, some chicken dishes, ice cream, cappuccinos, tea. Cinnamon is a natural metabolism enhancer, and flavor enhancer, yet has virtually no calories. It does the work without any cost. Stock up on cinnamon powder (organic cinnamon powder of course) for your pantry or spice rack.

3. Soup- not the creamy type, the broth type. Drinking soups made with a vegetable broth, chicken broth, or beef broth base fills you up, hydrates you, and gives you maximum nutritional impact for relatively few calories. A warm or hot soup satisfies your appetite even more, so ordering a hot soup with a broth base when you are dining out as an appetizer will keep you from going overboard on your meal. It’s a good idea to wait to order your main course, since you’ll be surprised how full your feel.

The cabbage soup diet is very popular, but I don’t know how much cabbage a person can eat, and it’s not necessary to limit yourself so much. Just skip the high fat, high cholesterol creamy soups, and you are good.

4. Tofu (bean curd)- Tofu is a great fat burning food specifically to help you lose belly fat. Tofu makes you feel full, is high is calcium and protein, it enhances digestion, and tofu reduces excess water retention that causes bloating and the look of a pudgier tummy, so if you want to know how to lose overall body fat, and especially how to lose belly fat, tofu will help reduce any water retained in fatty areas, including and especially belly fat.

5. Grapefruit and vinegar (no, not together!)- like lemons, grapefruit is a natural surfactant that breaks up fat deposits sitting along your digestive tract. Sounds gross, but grapefruit is very tasty, and grapefruit speeds up your metabolism also (though not as much as cinnamon or other foods).

Vinegar is another product that works like graprefruit and lemons. Apple cider vinegar can be added to water to drink to lose weight and bump up metabolic rate, but I find it pretty gross. Instead, sometimes I make a tasty, healthy balsamic vinaigrette with olive oil and some herbs and lemon juice and add it to a grilled chicken salad for lunch. This is the ultimate, delicious, healthy fat burning food combo- a perfect lunch for someone trying to lose weight.

Check out more fat burning foods (aka negative calorie foods) for help losing weight.

  • I knew about soup and grapefruit, but the others are new to me. I’m going to start adding cinnamon! I love it anyhow. 🙂

  • Kelly

    I love using balsamic vinegar as salad dressing! I definitely need to start buying these foods so I can tone up for my vacation next month! (Are you combining your blogs?)

  • Penelope

    Yep, it was too hard to have two. I didn’t have any time to write posts for the other one, so am just going to close it down. Ah well 🙂 It was worth a try.

  • I love grapefuit, I love pears and I LOVE vinegar!!

  • I had just heard about cinnamon from my yoga instructor – I need to start adding it!

  • Love cinnamon and pears! We also do cayenne pepper which is suppose to speed up metabolism to lose weight!

  • Zippy Sandler

    LOL – I just saw that on Dr. Oz this week. Gonna go get me some PEARS!

  • Thanks for sharing. I love Tofu!

  • All things I enjoy! Especially tofu in miso – so there’s a two-for right there!

  • Alison

    I loved your first post! So glad you did a second! But ugh I hate grapefruit. Love pears though.

  • Great list! I eat a 1/2 cup healthy soup almost daily with lunchl

  • Rogelio


    Good list Penelope though I’d like to kindly add a good one I always recommend: celery sticks!

    They are composed of pretty much water and fiber. Since you have to chew them so much, you get some calories burned from both the chewing and the digestion of the fiber. On top of that, chewing celery sticks can help satisfy hunger pans and fill the stomach (remember to drink plenty of water). Likewise, fiber in the right moment and place, can help in not absorbing the full fat content of a meal (thus saving more calories in the caloric balance of a meal/day). Celery sticks are that useful!

    This is a small trick I have used and recommend to my readers which gets a few more calories burned for those intending to maximize their fat loss efforts.

    All the best.


  • These are some great foods that are not only delicious and nutritious but they can help you in your weight loss efforts. Grapefruit is a good one!

  • rose

    What is a good salad dressing to use that is good to use to help lose weight?

  • Penelope

    A light vinaigrette is good, with a touch of lemon. Vinegar and lemon both help suppress your appetite and reduce fat absorption to an extent as well.

  • I didn’t know tofu helped with water retention! Noted!