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Teaching Children About Money

Teaching children about money and financial responsibility is very important, and most parents know this. Teaching your children about money is a gift that will provide them future security and stability, and help them survive and even thrive in any economy by making wise choices and being responsible with their finances. One of the best ways to teach your children to be responsible with money is to be a good example yourself, and to show them how to do it.

online family financial planner

Parents looking for direction to help their children start on the right foot should try Doughmain, a free site that offers a variety of tools to help your family organize their finances and life, as well as include children in your family budget, learn how to save and spend, and much more.

Doughmain Features That Help Parents Organize Family Finances and Start Teaching Children About Money

  • An online family organizer that streamlines and coordinates everyone’s schedules and chores.
  • A family calendar that lists family events, alerts, color code by family members, and much more. The family keeps everyone in the family on the same page.
  • A chore tracker that assigns and keeps track of every family member’s chores and errands.
  • An allowance and reward tracking system to helps you to pay your children appropriate allowances or offer rewards for jobs well done.
  • Tips and guidance for teaching your children about money.
  • Games to improve your child’s understand of money and finances.
  • Interaction is between those permitted by parents, so children are not communicating with strangers or able to allow access to private information to others.
  • Option to join bank accounts and prepaid Visa card for responsible money management that is supervised.

online family calendar

Online family calendar

online allowance tracker

Allowance and reward tracking system

online chore tracker

Chore tracker

Setting up an account at Doughmain.com is easy and free, and you can add your spouse and as many children as you want to your family account. Everyone can access and check in for updates on the family calendar, chore chart, family budget, etc and it’s a great way to keep the family on the same page, organized, and aware of what is going on with each other. We’ve written a post in the past with ideas for teaching children about money, financial responsibility and saving, and can’t emphasize enough how important and influential parents are in getting their children on the right track for a lifetime of good financial decisions and capable money management.

  • I really like that everyone can access it, not just one person. This is cool!

  • Tiffany C.

    My boys just recently started caring about money, and how much they are spending. I never had this sort of guide when I was little to teach me about budgeting. What a great FREE resource! Pay no money, to learn how to spend it! LOVE IT!

  • Melissa Au

    What a great program. My kids are getting to the age that this would be very helpful.

  • Amit Verma

    Great Post. Thnx so much for sharing ((Hugs))

  • Barbara Platt

    we try to teach them and hope it stays long enough to sink in

  • Kelly

    It’s never too early to learn about money and a free online service that automates everything is even better.